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How to buy books on Audible

How to buy books on Audible
How to buy books on Audible

How to buy books on Audible

Audible offers membership-based service, but books can be purchased individually. Follow this guide to learn how to buy books on Audible.

There is no iota of doubt in recommending  the step by step tips and instructions for both casual listener or specific tittle.  The availability of tittles can be purchased in the Audible apps only for Android, also on the audible site and in the Amazon marketing site.


Go to  Audible Website, or Audible Apps: 

Navigate to the Audiobook platform using a web browser or the mobile app downloaded from App Store or google play store to start the process. Here are simple ways to visit  both  Audible official site and Audible app for products;

Audiobook official website

Currently on audiobook official site, there is at least 4 ways to buy tittles after payment is confirmed successfully through your Audiobook library. See ways below;

  1. Request the tittle you want through search
  2. Select add to wish list when your desire tittle is found
  3. Buy, example with 1 credit or cash
  4. Add to cart

Audiobook app 

  1. In feature page of Audible apps, there are  tittles to pick from depending what you want and to pay for.
  2. Payment option will display to select either to buy with 1 credit or cash, then if transaction is successfully, an email of confirmation from your Audiobook will forwarded into your library.
  3. Navigate to exist bottom to have good flow of the product.


Look for Your Audiobook:     

To look for Audiobooks through its tittle online, you must be familiar to any of  the platform stated below and how to navigate to  meet your needs.

Audible official site:  Search for tittle of your choice from search box and add to wish list on it official site

Audible app: Choose the tittle you like to go for, and go to detail page in the app

Alexa: Its require only voice purchase on the Alexa app. In addition, before making the request of the tittle, make sure that voice purchasing is on in the Alexa app.

Amazon: Visit the tittle’s detail page on Amazon and follow purchase option menu.


Add to Cart / Place in Cart:

Place to Cart, is a common e-commerce that allows you to select items you wish to purchase. The Same meaning applicable when you want to purchase Audiobooks online.

Do not skip the page fast, Remember to confirm your order as it is always require urgent attention if you select buy option. see breakdown below;

  1. While on cart page, decide either to apply on credit or cash.
  2.  select proceed to checkout, and then click confirm purchase.

Download and Start Listening: Completion of audible requirements, brings possibilities to  download and share same to devices  for both digest and listening.

About Membership Perks: Membership comes with a plethora of advantages, including a monthly credit allowance, special discounts, and invitations to exclusive sales and promotions, making it an exceptional value, while non membership are treated differently in this aspect.


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